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Traditional Fire Fighting Capabilities


Offering Stand-Off Support for Firefighters Across the Globe

When defensively assessing a fire, it can be difficult to enter compromised structures without the risk of fatal injuries to firefighting personnel. Our Thermite® robots are designed with this in mind. Our robots can be sent in to put a massive amount of water onto a deep-seated fire that would usually be deemed too dangerous to occupy. This allows the firefighter to pack up and cover other tasks or to be released back to their respective districts, keeping your firefighters out of harms way.


Lithium Battery Extinguishing Capabilities

With the recent burst of electric vehicles coming on the market, it's essential for firefighters to have a plan of action to extinguish these flames. Often times, the only thing a department lacking resources can do is put up a blockade to prevent further damage to city infrastructure, keeping people safe from harmful flames. Thermite® has the ability to manipulate the situation to prevent the spread of these fires, providing an answer to this complex situation that departments are seeing.

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